Sunday, June 10, 2007

Ahh... fatigue. Goes with parenting like Peas go with Carrots

Holly and I have acknoweleged the fact to each other that we're tired. Henry is doing his darndest to sleep through the night. I think he may be faring slightly better than Maggie was at her age. Of course, I'm sleeping for most of his feedings during the night, so Holly may have a different opinion.

Thankfully, Maggie has been consistently sleeping through the night for several months. But she still gets up early. Today (Sunday), she was up at 5:50 AM... while Henry was still sleeping. Not too convient for a pair of parents who spent the evening nursing, changing diapers, changing onesies, soothing, etc. So with my birthday comming up, I think I'll ask for Caffiene. in any form.

Henry is opening his eyes and looking around a lot more. I often wonder what's going on in that little head of his. I keep trying to get a picture of this, but, much like his sister, he can't really keep a good pose for more than a half a second. Oh well.

If any of you see Holly and Maggie on TV in the next week, don't be suprised. We put her in the TV commercials for my employer, buying a gift card with Maggie. You only see the back of Maggie's head and Holly was still pregnant when we taped it. She's saving big money.

1 comment:

KJ said...

I spoke with Ann Hackel today and she said she saw the commercial with Holly & Maggie. I told her Henry had arrived and she wanted me to pass on congratulations! Her son Sawyer is 3 months old now.

Hope you are all getting some sleep! ~Kelly Jo