Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter update

I was close. Holly finished the book at 10:02 PM last night. a full 28 minutes ahead of my estimation (that I thought I was being funny about). She says she enjoyed the book.

I plan on starting it soon. If I'm done by Thanksgiving... I'll be doing good. Here are my predictions:

Harry will battle Lord Voldemort in the emperor's chamber... Voldemort using Harry's thoughts against him.

Ron and Hermione will get help from the Ewoks in destroying the shield generator... allowing the order of the Phoenix to fly into the superstructure of the Death Star and destroy it.

KJ Rowling will release a pre-series of books... going into detail about how Voldemort turned evil. The first two books will SUCK. The thrid one will be cool.

Today, my Little Sister will be in town. I'm glad that she'll get to see Henry! Maggie is very excited to see her and Grandpa Rick and Grandma Shari. She can use that expanded use of the english language to impress them.


1 comment:

KJ said...

I'm recovering from my read by starting through the book again. I simply read too fast the first time and not everything sunk in!
~Kelly Jo